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This is the first in a series of retrospective programs created from the high quality soundboard files of the Court Tavern, New Brunswick, New Jersey, where my frequent appearances in the early 90s allowed me a chance to develop material for album projects that did not come off the ground—until now!
What happened to the Two-Headed Bastard?
Forgotten for what, 30 years? A two=headed
Bastard doesn’t just disappear, however. What
Brought the Two-Headed Bastard back was a
Body of evidence that could not be denied—
This is the first in a series of retrospective programs created from the high quality soundboard files of the Court Tavern, New Brunswick, New Jersey, where my frequent appearances in the early 90s allowed me a chance to develop material for album projects that did not come off the ground—until now!
What happened to the Two-Headed Bastard?
Forgotten for what, 30 years? A two=headed
Bastard doesn’t just disappear, however. What
Brought the Two-Headed Bastard back was a
Body of evidence that could not be denied—